Visit us at the Hanover Fair!

Hanover Fair

Hall 13, Booth E46/1

22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024

You are cordially invited – visit us at the Hanover Fair!

The Hanover Fair has started. We look forward to seeing you and having interesting conversations. Come to us at stand E46/1 and let us talk about exciting applications and hydrogen projects and how we can support you.

See you.

We are exhibiting at the Hanover Fair

Hall 13, Booth E46/1

22.04.2024 – 26.04.2024

You are cordially invited – visit us at the Hannover Messe!

We look forward to seeing you at our stand and showing you our inhouse5000+ combined heat and power plant (hydrogen).

Arrange your personal on-site discussion now and get advice about the cost-effectiveness and advantages of our fuel cell cogeneration plant “Made in Germany”.

If you need free tickets, please contact us!

If you cannot visit us in person, please download our data sheet inhouse5000+ and contact us if you have any questions.

First hydrogen fuel cell system certified in Germany

Gerät Wasserstoff Heizung Brennstoffzelle-inhouse 5000+hydrogene

We proudly present: inhouse 5000+ hydrogen

An important milestone has been reached: Our fuel cell CHP inhouse 5000+ hydrogen was the first in its performance class to receive certification in accordance with the Gas Appliances Regulation (EU) 2016/426 for the European market.

After years of testing, field tests and many pilot projects with very good feedback, our system is now officially approved in all technical respects and ready for the market.

This enables us to offer the systems commercially and use them in pilot projects.

Let’s start together and lay the foundations for generating electricity and heat with hydrogen in existing buildings.

We look forward to many discussions and a lively exchange with YOU – ask us every question!

With proud regards

your inhouse engineering team!


New association to promote a hydrogen economy

We are a member of the newly founded association “PROOH2V” to promote the hydrogen economy

The hydrogen network PROOH2V in north-west Brandenburg with the districts of Prignitz, Ostprignitz-Ruppin and Oberhavel is driving the development of a H2 economy in the region and offers stakeholders from business, science, politics and administration a platform to find out about opportunities and technologies exchange ideas and find solutions for current objectives.

The association, which is currently being founded, is convinced that green hydrogen enables a sustainable and climate-neutral energy supply, especially for the areas of electricity, mobility and industry. In order to accelerate the market entry and ramp-up of the H2 economy in the region, the network is committed to generating interest and H2 demand, promoting know-how transfer and supporting through public relations.

Almost a year after the initiation of the H2 network PROOH2V in Northwest Brandenburg, the members founded an association on May 17, 2023 in the KreativWerk in Hennigsdorf. The interest in hydrogen and fuel cell technology is so great in the region that this step is only logical, because as an association the partners can employ their own network manager who will take care of the fortunes of the interest group in the future. The advertisement for this position can now start shortly. Potential interested parties are welcome to contact us promptly.

Twelve people attended the inaugural meeting in the newly renovated Hennigsdorf start-up center
Supporters, nine of whom launched the new association. Sven Geitmann, initiator of this H2 network, explained: “We are very happy that we have more than the required seven
founding members together. Unfortunately, a few potentially interested parties canceled due to scheduling conflicts, but they will probably join later.”

29 institutions are now involved in the interest grouping of the three districts of Prignitz, Ostprignitz-Ruppin and Oberhavel, which has existed since June 22, 2022 after initial talks at the end of 2021. Together they want to inform the region about the potential of renewable energies and innovative storage technologies and bring different actors together.

It’s not just about networking between business representatives, but also about raising awareness among political decision-makers. “So far, some politicians have been a bit reluctant when it comes to the topic of hydrogen. We would like to get them on board and break down any reservations about this promising technology,” explained Dr. Ralf Böhme, board member of DESAG and unanimously elected chairman of the association.

His deputy Kilian Fromm added: “We are consciously looking for contact with the players here in the region, but also beyond. Excellent conditions for interesting energy projects that can create many secure and future-oriented jobs are not only found in Brandenburg, but also in the other eastern German federal states.” Fromm, project developer at Green Wind Innovation, recently received and won the H2Eco Award at the Hanover Fair also the HyPerformer competition with TH2ECO.

Christoph Hildebrandt, Managing Director of inhouse engineering GmbH and PROOH2V treasurer, explained: “We are confident that we will grow quickly with our association and thus contribute to making the region fit for the future. There is great interest, as is the need for cost-effective solar and wind energy and for information on how not only local authorities, but also companies and citizens can participate in and help shape the energy transition.”


Other founding members are: Stadtwerke Oranienburg, Stadtwerke Velten, Sprint Tank, umweltplan projekt and Voss Energy.

PROOH2V e.V.i.G.
Sven Geitmann
Gartenweg 5
16727 Oberkrämer
Tel.: 0172 3807334

Our combined CHP system in the press

The Berliner Morgenpost reports about our hydrogen CHP system!

Here to read (only in german):


The expo is over – new ideas for the future

The Hanover Messe 2023 is over and the exhibition stand has been dismantled. We can draw a very positive conclusion and would like to take this opportunity to thank all our visitors at our stand for the fantastic discussions and the great interest in our fuel cell CHP inhouse5000+ and inhouse5000+hydrogen!

One thing we can say after the Hanover Fair: Our future building energy supply cannot be exclusively electrified!
Many buildings, especially existing ones, do not meet the requirements for this.

A modern building supply concept will have a hybrid approach and will include a combination of modern technologies and various renewable energy sources.

Our systems inhouse5000+ and inhouse5000+hydrogen can become part of these hybrid building energy supply concepts!

Talk to us and we will find a solution with you.

We are at the Hanover Fair!

Hall 13, Booth A62/1

30.05.2022 – 02.06.2022

After two years with corona pandemic and absence, this year Hanover Fair is taking place in presence again. We are very pleased about this and cordially invite you to visit us at our booth. We present our combined heat and power system inhouse5000+, which offers considerable potential for saving energy costs and CO2 emissions.

Arrange your personal on-site meeting now and let us advise you on the cost-effectiveness and advantages of our “Made in Germany” heating.

If you are not able to visit us, please download our Data sheet inhouse5000+ and feel free to contact us.


BMWi – Research funding in the 7th energy research program “Research for a more environmentally friendly, reliable and affordable energy supply – the “Lifetime SelOx”project has started


The aim of the project is to research the thermodynamic, chemical, apparatus and operational principles for a SelOx reactor for co-fine cleaning in reformers for PEM fuel cell CHP systems as well as the integration of a functional model in a 5 kW micro-CHP system.

In close cooperation, the partners in “Lifetime SelOx” will evaluate the performance and long-term stability of the newly developed SelOx reactor during plant operation.

Read more

Sail sponsoring

Inhouse Engineering GmbH as sponsor for the sailing club Fratemitas 1891 e. V.


We support the sailing club as a sponsor with a new sail. Our logo now adorns a sail and sails around and around Köpenick.

Sponsoring Segel-Verein inhouse5000+
Foto: © Segel-Club Fratemitas 1891 e. V.





Image film Hydrogen Village HYPOS Bitterfeld-Wolfen

First H2 infrastructure in Germany


At the beginning of July 2020, two TV contributions were made in the hydrogen village of Bitterfeld. The European Commission plans to provide EUR 430 billion to support hydrogen production and consumption within ten years.

A Czech television team was also on site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen and reported on the technology and orderability of hydrogen. This shows us that the importance of hydrogen technology has reached beyond the borders.